Investor's Clock

version 1.09

The Investor's Clock shows the time in different time zones. This program was designed for Wall Street traders and investors. Inspired by the traditional trading hall setup where few clocks on the wall, each clock face shows current time in the investing center of certain region. My program is useful for persons, trading stocks from home or small office. With this program it is easy to control different time zones.
Designed for Windows 7, 8.1, 10, 11 versions, only 64 bit.
Don’t hesitate to ask any questions, make the suggestions or write the complaints, contact the developer by e-mail:


  • Time in multiple time zones: easily monitor the current time in different financial centers around the world.
  • Completely free, open source code: it's source code available for those interested in customization or contribution.
  • Compatibility: Windows 7, 8.1, 10, 11, 64 bit versions only.
  • User-friendly interface: easy to setup and use.
  • Secure and reliable: no adware, no spyware, virus free.

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© Sergejs Bure, 2023-2024